Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Blogodolar Tips & News

Blogodolar Tips & News

Review Ditolak ReviewMe Karena Keliru Menulis Anchor Text

Posted: 21 Jul 2010 10:16 AM PDT

Tiga hari lalu saya login ke akun ReviewMe. Setelah empat bulan tidak dapat job, tanpa diduga pada hari itu ada penawaran 3 job. Karena topiknya berkaitan dengan Blogodolar maka saya pun dengan sigap menerimanya. Postingan review yang selesai dibuat mengenai blogging sites. Sehari kemudian ada email pemberitahuan bahwa postingan tersebut ditolak. Apanya yang salah, pikir saya.

Dengan sedikit berdebar-debar saya membuka email tersebut. Dugaan saya waktu itu penyebab penolakan adalah tata bahasa Inggris saya yang “blepotan”. Ternyata, bukan itu penyebabnya, namun anchor text-nya yang keliru. Saya menuliskan thought.com, padahal seharusnya thoughts.com. Dengan kata lain, saya luput menambahkan huruf s pada anchor text tersebut (lihat gambar di bawah).

Rejected by ReviewMe

Saya diminta memperbaiki kekeliruan itu sebelum tanggal 22 Juli. Okelah kalau begitu, gumam saya. Saya pun memperbaikinya dan mendaftarkan kembali postingan tersebut. Satu jam kemudian ada pemberitahuan bahwa postingan itu diterima. Di bawah ini buktinya.

approved by ReviewMe

Tips bagi Anda

Bila Anda membuat postingan review, selain tata bahasa, yakinkan pula:

  • Anchor text (teks yang digunakan untuk nge-link) sudah benar. Kalau perlu periksa teks tersebut 2-3 kali.
  • Link yang digunakan tidak rusak atau tidak salah alamat. Periksa 2-3 kali untuk memastikannya.

Itulah sedikit kisah penolakan mengais dolar dari ReviewMe. Apakah Anda pernah mengalami hal serupa? Jika pernah, silakan informasikan pada komentar di bawah.

Bonus ebook untuk Anda: Make Money Blogging, Adsense Secret, & SEO for Beginner

3 Benefits of Email Marketing for Bloggers

Posted: 21 Jul 2010 07:14 AM PDT

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses email as its communication channel. Many people said that is no promotional technique beats email marketing as far as profitability is concerned. It is because almost every single person has an active email account these days, so you can put your messages right in front of their faces.

What are benefits email marketing for bloggers? In my opinion, there are 3 benefits for them:

1. Another channel to interact with your readers

Email marketing is another channel to interact with your readers. It would possibly increase the traffic of your blog, and would also give you the possibility to talk directly and efficiently with your readers.

2. Promote your own products or services

When you send four emails to people who have added their name and email address to your list, you can start promoting your own products or services such as eBooks, membership site, paid coaching, premium themes an so on.

By staying in touch with your customers through email marketing, you can also generate repeat purchases that are more profitable than initial purchases, because you can save on the costs that go along with selling to new customers.

3. Make money with your affiliate offers

Beside your own products or services, you can also promote and make money with your affiliate offers. Your commissions will increase because you reach the targeted market.

Email marketing solution

There are several services that you can use to manage your email marketing campaigns. One of all is ActiveCampaign Email Marketing. They ensure your account will be setup instantly and you can start to work with your email marketing account right away!

Check out the site for further information.

Bonus ebook untuk Anda: Make Money Blogging, Adsense Secret, & SEO for Beginner

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