Selasa, 07 September 2010

dindasmart [dot] com

dindasmart [dot] com

Mystique, New Theme for Dindasmart.Com

Posted: 07 Sep 2010 07:54 PM PDT

New on Dindasmart.ComHello readers, long time no see any physical update from this blog. For almost, or maybe more than a year, Pixel theme has been used here.

I love that theme, especially the edited version, “Pixel untuk Dinda” by Rismaka.Net.

Suddenly, I saw some compatibility problem here. I want to edit some sectors but, oh really, it was so confusing me.

Then I decided to change my theme tough I know that I’ve to modify some scripts, here and there. Confusing too.

Hm now, let me tell you about many features of this Mystique.

I think the creator of Mystique theme have a creative and innovative mind. Full of java script but easy to customize because the theme make an appearance new sub menu. That is Mystique settings. We can customize many useful features for this. What can we customize this?

Mystique settingsFrom the mystique settings, we can edit the layout style, 1 column, 2 columns, until 3 columns. The color scheme, your logo, until the background image. You can see the preview of your blog when you edit this. You not just customize the design type. You can customize about the content, navigation, SEO, Ads, until the Advanced mode like adding PHP function and user CSS.

One of the interesting thing of this theme is the twitter stream. Default the twitter stream shows WordPress twitter updates. Then, how to change it to become our tweet updates?

The Answer is, lets see the widgets.

The newest version of mystique, the customizations are really so easy. In the widgets, drag and drop Twitter to the Sidebar area. Then change the default username there.

Then, the twitter shows your tweet.

Oyeah, this theme compatible with WordPress version 2.8 or later. Recommended if you use the new one.

Okay, I think it’s enough, any question? just give comment :tob:

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