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Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010
Ciptakan rekening bank seperti ini di pikiran anda
Cab. | Mutasi | Saldo | |||
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10/07 | SETORAN TUNAI | 5350 | 100,141.00 | CR | 137,516,222.68 |
10/07 | SETORAN TUNAI DEDDY KRISHANAN USER ID NAKAHIN | 0247 | 100,152.00 | CR | 137,616,374.68 |
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10/07 | TRSF E-BANKING CR 10/07 WSID:01841 SUGIONO ADI | 0000 | 100,402.00 | CR | 137,916,990.68 |
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Eat Your Way to a High-Energy Workday
By Jason Fitzpatrick Eat Your Way to a High-Energy WorkdayThe majority of eating advice centers on losing weight. Instead, let's look at how changing what you eat can help fend off mid-day energy slumps and blah feelings from your work day. Photo by D Sharon Pruitt. Most people are aware, in some sense, of how what they eat impacts how they feel. Hardly a kid escapes childhood without learning what binging on post-Halloween candy feels like, and we've all experienced the post-holiday-meal call to hibernation. But regular food affects our body and energy throughout the day, even within a few hours. Here are a few examples of how eating impacts your energy levels, and what you can do to get more out of your daily fuel. Structure Your Daily Diet Like a Pyramid
Eat Protein Early On
This isn't to say that carbohydrates are bad; you need them to live and for basic brain functioning. A diet comprised mainly of carbohydrates, however, is a recipe for a constant cycle of blood sugar highs, lows, and the accompanying feelings of exhaustion that go with them. If carbohydrates are the kindling of your metabolism, protein is the slow burning old-growth wood that keeps you going. The following charts illustrate, albeit in a simplified form, the difference in blood sugar levels after eating carbohydrate heavy meals and protein heavy meals.
Ideally your blood sugar and energy levels should be slow and steady like the bottom graph, not swinging wildly up and down like the top graph. You don't need to give up on bread or never drink juice with breakfast again, but you work on getting more protein in your morning routine. If you look at the order you're about to place at Bagel Hut or the meal you're about to cook at home and your response to "Where is the protein?" is "Uh, somewhere?" you need to add some in. Here are some quick ideas for ways you can incorporate protein into your breakfast:
Eat Low Gylcemic Index Foods.
Eat frequently.
Ideally you want to your daily blood sugar levels to look like that nice gentle wave seen in the chart above, not a graph of the last 10 years on the Dow Jones. Stop Dehydrating Yourself
Fortunately picking up the water habit is easy. Buy a water container (if you can't find one at your local super store that fits your personality and water volume needs you're not looking hard enough), and keep it filled on your desk. The difference between drinking 32 oz. of water every day (in addition to my normal coffee and drinking at meals) was simply putting a decanter on my desk and keeping it filled. If the water was there, I'd pour a glass and drink it while reading over my work. If it wasn't there, I didn't drink it. If you enjoy tracking things, check out our guide to graphing your life and use the techniques within to chart your water consumption. Alternately, you could set a timer on your computer or wear a watch that beeps every hour to remind you to drink up. One of the added benefits of increasing your water consumption is that you'll inadvertently be cutting out less healthy fluids. You likely won't have enough room to drink three containers worth of water and a couple Cokes too, so the less healthy drinks fall by the wayside. Keep Track of Your Energy Levels
Although we're primarily concerned with energy and not with weight loss, most of the top five contenders in the Five Best Weight-Management Tools Hive Five feature logging tools and personal metrics. The best match for our purposes is definitely FitDay. At FitDay you can log not only the food you eat and the fluids you drink, but also custom variables like level of energy, happiness, and more. After you experiment with your diet and water intake you can check out the graphs on FitDay to see how things shook out. Pair the FitDay charts with a simple text file journal that highlights the days events (so you can compare the good and bad days on the chart to the bigger things happening in your life) and you've got a solid tracking tool. For another interesting way to keep track of your energy over the course of the week, check out how to use Excel to "energy map" your days. Smooth your blood sugar with big helpings of protein and complex carbohydrates, cut the sugary snacks out, and increase your water consumption and you'll be well on your way to keeping your head off your desk and ending the day bright eyed. For more ideas on staying energized during the day, beyond hacking your diet, check out our top ten ways to stay energized. If you've got a favorite high-protein snack, let's hear it in the comments. | October 15th, 2010 Top Stories
Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010 |
Mengolah Kritik Pedas Menjadi Keripik Pedas Manis Posted: 14 Oct 2010 05:41 AM PDT Pernah baca buku Pak Jonru yang berjudul Cara Dahsyat Menjadi Penulis Hebat ? Disitu ada bab yang membahas tentang “Dikritik, Diremehkan, Lalu mati ?”. Apakah pernah terjadi pada diri anda, entah itu di dunia online maupun dunia offline ? Saya rasa semuanya pernah mengalami hal ini. Apa yang anda rasakan saat anda di kritik ? Lemas, Tak berdaya atau reaksi lain apa yang muncul dari diri anda ? Tiap manusia memiliki kekuatan mental yang berbeda. Jika anda mengkritik seseorang yang memiliki ketertutupan privasi dan pemarah. Maka yang ada dapatkan adalah balasan kritik, dan apakah anda siap menerimanya lagi atau anda menjadi lemas sendiri. Saat anda mengkritik orang, anda harus siap menerima segala konsekuensi dari apa yang anda ucapkan kepada mereka. Kritikpun harus memiliki etika seperti yang anda pelajari di bangku sekolah. Misalkan anda ingin mengatakan “Blog jelek”, maka anda harusnya mengatakan, “Blog kurang bagus”. Menerima kritik hukumnya adalah wajib namun lebih wajib lagi adalah melaksanakan kritik dari orang tersebut asal tidak membuat anda berubah pemikiran tentang prinsip awal anda. Selama masih dalam koridor yang baik maka anda boleh lalukan itu. Selama ini orang beranggapan bahwa kritik itu adalah sebuah pukulan yang keras untuk kehidupan. Mungkin karena dia adalah orang yang memiliki mental yang belum terasah, akhirnya mereka memilih menutup diri dan tidak mau mendengar kritik. Sangat tidak baiknjika anda tidak menerima kritik. Sementara itu untuk beberapa orang yang sering memberi kritik, mereka menggunakan kata yang kurang sopan dan kurang enak di dengar/dibaca. Namun kejadian di lapangan ? Banyak yang seperti ini. Ini terjadi karena orang berpikiran kalau di kasih halus terus malah makin menjadi, kalau dia dimarahi pasti bisa jadi lebih baik. Itu adalah pemikiran yang salah. Biarkan anda menerima kritik pedas namun saat anda bisa mengaturnya, maka yang pedas itu akan berubah menjadi keripik pedas manis. Anda akan lebih suka menerima kritik yang pedas karena anda bisa mengaturnya. Inilah cara yang saya lakukan saat menerima kritik dari orang-orang. Don’t Worry Be Happy, anda harus menerima kritik dengan senang hati. Jangan takut malu di depan publik namun itu bisa menjadi kenangan plus menjadi sebuah pelajaran yang sangat berharga buat anda kedepannya. Takut branding tercoreng karena hal kecil ? Don’t worry, jika anda bisa menjaga sikap maka lama kelamaan brand anda akan makin besar. Dan itu berkat kritik dari orang-orang. Jadi jangan setelah brand besar langsung kabur tanpa ucapan terima kasih. Cobalah berterima kasih dengan orang yang sudah memperlakukan anda di depan publik karena tanpa pelajaran itu anda tidak akan bisa begini. Kalau tidak sukses juga ? Ya berarti anda tidak belajar dari pengalaman (titik!). Jangan pernah marah saat anda menerima kritik karena itu akan membuat anda lebih buruk lagi dan otomatis anda tidak bisa menjadi seorang yang bernilai di mata orang lain. Tidak ada orang yang sukses dengan mulus, semua prosesnya butuh kritik dan masukan dari orang lain Tinggal bagaimana orang tersebut bisa memanfaatkan kritik dan masukan dari orang lain agar menjadi sebuah pelarajan, bukan aib yang perlu ditutupi saat anda menjadi seorang yang sukses. Dan setelah ini mungkin anda akan memamerkan kritik pedas terhadap diri anda kepada publik. Ternyata itu juga hal yang salah. Coba buat kritik itu jadi pelajaran pribadi dan bisa dikemas ulang dengan baik, kemudian menjadi sebuah pelajaran untuk orang lain. Sebagai catatan saja, mengkritik hendaknya disampaikan dengan sopan dan waktunya tepat agar tidak terjadi sebuah kesalah pahaman nantinya. |
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The Best Cooking and Recipe Apps for Android
By Kevin Purdy The Best Cooking and Recipe Apps for AndroidYour Android's connected to the web, so it's also connected to the vast wealth of cooking knowledge, recipes, food price, and other culinary data. Here are the best apps for putting Android to work in the kitchen. Note: For a look at the flip side of the mobile OS coin, check out the best cooking and recipe apps for iPhone. As with previous entries in our best Android app series, we've included links to both the app's homepage, and to the AppBrain entry, where you can find QR codes and more detailed information on the app. Recipe Finders and OrganizersEpicuriousNo less than 28,000 recipes available through this elegant search interface. Most of them were pulled from the eponymous forum, one of Conde Nast's magazines (Bon Apetit or the since-passed Gourmet), and top chefs and food personalities. All of them are searchable by text or voice-to-text. The biggest boons to the cooking type, though, are the step-by-step kitchen mode, where your screen shows you only what you need for your next step in the recipe, and the grocery list generator. [AppBrain] BigOvenWhat does BigOven have that other recipe apps don't? Namely, more than 170,000 recipes in its database. So if you're the type that likes to really nitpick your curried chicken salad recipe, you'll find a happy home inside the free Android app. The most helpful tool for picking through the recipes is the Leftover Wizard—enter in up to three ingredients you're trying to use up, and BigOven returns with recipes that take on all of them. [Homepage] [AppBrain] WTFSIMFDWhat's with the name? It's the question you might ask of yourself when recipe inspiration is lacking. "What," you might ask, "should I make for dinner"—only add an expletive in there, somewhere. For the snarky name, and funny responses, this app, like the webapp it comes from, pulls from a deep set of recipes, and switches between meat and vegetarian dishes with ease. Plus, there's something so cathartic about all the cursing, and pointedly clicking to say you want something else—always something else. [Homepage] [AppBrain] Grocery List OrganizersGrocery IQBecause its developed by, grocery list builder Grocery IQ does, indeed, show you coupons and shoppers club discounts for items you've got on your list. But it's the way you build your list with Grocery IQ that's really convenient. You can say or type in what you need, but if you've just emptied the last of the Frosted Mini-Wheats, you can scan the box barcode with the app, and it goes right on your list—a list you can easily share with other folks, too. It's also available for iOS, so dual-platform households need not duke it out. [Homepage] [AppBrain] Our GroceriesSomehow, we'd never heard of this grocery list manger, despite its apparent popularity (at least 50,000 downloads) and rather full-featured nature. It's a live grocery list that multiple family members or roommates can edit from their Androids, BlackBerrys, iPhones, or web browsers, and as one shopper checks something off, it's pushed live to all the other lists. Folks like Kathleen and her husband dig it, and the Market reviews are full of a rare kind of good will. [Homepage] [AppBrain] Google Shopper$5.99 for Stash tea? $4 for oyster sauce? You must be able to get this stuff cheaper. If you've got your phone with you, you can verify your suspicions, and even order your good for cheaper right from your phone. Google's Shopper app can recognize labels and certain container or packages, bar codes, or straight-up text entry, then show you which stores have your foodstuffs for less, both locally and online. You also save a history of items as you use Shopper, so the next time you're at a store with remarkable deals, you can load up on what you passed by last time. [Homepage] [AppBrain] Kitchen UtilitiesRatioRecipes can only take you so far. When you want to cook food in the amounts you need, or make food exactly the way you'd like with the ingredients you have, you'll need to know the fundamental ratios that bind breads, vinaigrettes, sauces, and other culinary elements. Michael Ruhlman's Ratio app, based on his weight-based Ratio methodology, frees you up to improvise in the kitchen. Choose a food, enter in how much of each ingredient you have, and it tells you what else you need to hit the, well, you know. ($5 in Market) [Homepage] [AppBrain] We put out the Twitter call, and brainstormed among ourselves, but we still feel like there are great apps for cooking, grocery shopping, and recipe finding available for Android that aren't listed here. If you know of one, tell us in the comments! We'll peek through and update the list with the best finds. | October 14th, 2010 Top Stories