Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

Blog Bisnis dan Investasi

Blog Bisnis dan Investasi

8 Cara Cari Uang Di Internet Lewat Berjualan Produk (Bagian 2)

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 10:01 PM PDT

Kita lanjutkan pembahasan yang telah lalu mengenai cara cari uang lewat berjualan produk bagian 1. Pada “episode” kali ini mungki ada beberapa produk yang belum pernah anda lihat, tetapi barangkali sudah sering mendengarnya. Jadi membacanya rileks saja. Atau malah belum dua-duanya ya… :)

5. Menjual Software

Software merupakan salah satu produk yang paling banyak dibeli lewat internet. Produknya juga sangat bervariasi, mulai dari antivirus, antispam dan konco-konconya, pengirim email ke banyak orang hingga program akuntansi atau keuangan buat toko kelontong.

Kalau di benak anda muncul pertanyaan, “Saya kan nggak bisa bikin program komputer?”. Jawabannya adalah mayoritas pelaku bisnis ini bukan developer atau programmer, tetapi marketer. Mereka menggunakan leverage, yaitu tenaga dan pikiran orang lain.

Mereka mempunyai ide kreatif mengenai suatu software, mencari orang yang bisa membuatnya dan kemudian menjualnya. Dan yang paling cerdas adalah menjual software yang dikenakan biaya secara periodik, entah per bulan atau per tahun. Anda ingin tahu contohnya?

Jualan antivirus, karena ada biaya updating data setiap tahun agar software antivirus tersebut bisa terus berjalan dengan baik. Anda hanya perlu melakukan satu kali penjualan, tetapi omzetnya bisa terus didapatkan secara pasif, tentunya selama konsumen anda belum beralih ke antivirus yang lain.

6. Menjual Akses Keanggotaan

Model bisnis ini sekarang memang sedang tren di internet. Kalau di bisnis konvensional contohnya adalah keanggotaan fitness, beladiri atau klub tertentu. Anda bisa mengakses fasilitas yang disediakan karena mempunyai hak atau privilege.

Sedangkan di bisnis internet, biasanya yang diberikan adalah akses informasi baru yang bernilai bagi anggotanya secara kontinyu. Bisa di bidang apa saja. Misalnya akses informasi tentang mengatasi permasalahan ibu dan anak atau cara mencari uang lewat internet seperti yang Anne Ahira lakukan.

7. Menjual Produk yang Haknya Anda Miliki

Ini adalah model yang unik di bisnis internet. Produk informasi yang di jual di internet seperti e-book, software, audio dan sebagainya biasanya mencantumkan tulisan “Personal Use” atau “Digunakan Sendiri”. Artinya, hanya anda yang boleh menggunakan produk tersebut. Mungkin semacam hak paten.

Anda tidak boleh men-share-nya kepada orang lain. Nah, ada hak atau rights lain yang lebih populer karena bisa anda jual ke orang lain.

  • Resell Rights
    Jika anda membeli produk yang tercantum kata resell rights, berarti anda punya hak untuk menjualnya kembali kepada end user. Uangnya? 100 % untuk anda. Tapi end user yang membeli dari anda tadi tidak boleh menjualnya kembali.
  • Master Resell Rights
    Mirip dengan resell rights. Bedanya master resell rights memberi hak kepada customer anda untuk menjual kembali produk dengan kompensasi 100% untuk dirinya.

Tapi ingat, anda sama sekali tidak boleh mengganti atau mengedit produk yang mencantumkan kedua jenis rights ini. Anda harus menjual produk ini apa adanya.

8. Menjual Produk Hasil Packaging Ulang atas Produk dengan PLR

Produk dengan PLR (Private Label Rights) boleh anda edit atau anda ubah semau anda. Bahkan, anda boleh mencantumkan nama anda sebagai pemilik produk. Produk dengan PLR juga mencakup banyak topik.

Anda bisa menjalankan model bisnis ini dengan mengedit atau mengubah nama produk, gambar produk, tampilan di website atau apa pun sehingga produk tersebut menjadi unik dan tidak terlihat berasal dari produk PLR. Hampir mirip prinsip amati, tiru dan modifikasi.

Lengkap sudah pembahasan kita tentang topik cara mencari uang di internet lewat berjualan produk. Semoga bisa menambah wawasan anda tentang produk-produk yang bisa dijual memlalui internet.

Ngomong-ngomong kalau anda masih ada waktu untuk membaca, silahkan anda baca artikel saya tentang rahasia menjadi kaya. Di situ saya jelaskan mengapa banyak orang yang semakin kaya tapi yang lainnya tidak. Insya Allah bisa anda jadikan landasan sebelum memulai bisnis internet. Monggo di lanjut…

(sumber gambar :

 8 Cara Cari Uang Di Internet Lewat Berjualan Produk (Bagian 2)

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  1. 8 Cara Cari Uang Di Internet Lewat Berjualan Produk (Bagian 1)
  2. Cari Peluang Usaha Modal Kecil? Ini Solusinya! (Bagian 2)
  3. Cari Peluang Usaha Modal Kecil? Ini Solusinya! (Bagian 1)
  4. Workshop Bisnis Internet Dari Pakar Bisnis Online
  5. Cari Atau Tidak Cari Modal, Anda Harus Punya Proposal Usaha

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Posted: 31 Aug 2010 07:33 PM PDT

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Posted: 31 Aug 2010 07:23 PM PDT

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Posted: 31 Aug 2010 07:15 PM PDT

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Posted: 31 Aug 2010 07:03 PM PDT

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Posted: 31 Aug 2010 06:53 PM PDT

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Posted: 31 Aug 2010 06:46 PM PDT

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Spesifikasi dan Harga Acer Aspire One D255

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 11:08 PM PDT

Why Technology Is So Addictive, and How You Can Avoid Tech Burnout

By Adam Dachis

Why Technology Is So Addictive, and How You Can Avoid Tech Burnout

Why Technology Is So Addictive, and How You Can Avoid Tech Burnout We're surrounded by gadgets that demand our attention, constantly fragmenting our ability to properly focus on the task at hand. Living with technology doesn't mean we have to live with an addiction, however. Here's how to beat tech burnout.

Image by Wallpaper-9

When new people come to my apartment there's usually a point in the visit where they stop and ask, "wait, how many screens do you have?" That's when it's time to play Guess How Many Screens Adam Has. We play by the Price is Right rules and everyone is always afraid of guessing too high. They never do. There are always more they haven't considered. Aside from being pretty ridiculous, being surrounded by so much technology poses a problem. How do you stay focused when there are so many things that are designed for you to interact with them?

Most of us aren't going to choose extreme tech minimalism and toss our heap of electronics. Instead, let's first take a look at why tech burnout, addiction, and other tech-plus-human issues occur. Then we'll figure out how to avoid the problem altogether.

The Problem

Why Technology Is So Addictive, and How You Can Avoid Tech Burnout

Developing an Addiction

It isn't news that studies are finding that video games trigger dopamine releases in the brain. While Dopamine has a few uses, the one that matters here is how it acts as a reward system for certain things we do. For example, dopamine is released when we eat and have sex because the body considers those things to be necessary to our survival as a species. Certain types of video games have managed to pull the dopamine trigger as well. What else can do it? Pretty much anything we find stimulating. Nicotine causes dopamine release. So does Caffeine (in a somewhat indirect way).

Like video games, we can develop a dopamine release from many kinds of addictive behavior. Checking email is one in particular. You may not like spending long amounts of time in your inbox, but you probably think about checking it pretty often. When you hear that ding (or vibrate), you know there's something waiting for you. To make things worse, because you do not receive email at set intervals and you don't know if that email is going to be something you want, your curiosity is peaked the moment the ding occurs just so you can find out if you've received something you want or if it's a waste of your time.

Why Technology Is So Addictive, and How You Can Avoid Tech Burnout Back when we were tethered to desktop computers, this wasn't such a problem. First of all, technology had yet to proliferate in society at the enormous level it has nowadays, but more importantly we didn't have little computers (read: smartphones) that we could stick in our pockets. Previously we might check out email at a few convenient intervals during the day. Now these tiny little multitaskers are requesting our attention wherever we go. We have many more opportunities to interact with information and so we run into two more dilemmas: filtering an information overload and using our technology appropriately.

Filtering Information Overload

Why Technology Is So Addictive, and How You Can Avoid Tech Burnout We consume three times the information now as we did 50 years ago, but the problem of information overload isn't new. Thanks to the Gutenberg press, by the year 1500 there were more books available than the average literate citizen could ever read in their lifetime. We've had a ridiculous amount of information available to us for a long, long time and it keeps growing. We keep looking at the growth, and the increasing rate of growth, like it's a new epidemic. In reality, we're allowing information overload to happen to us. As Clay Shirky points out, the problem has more to do with filter failure:

As Shirky illustrates, the filters we've been using prior to the Internet are now breaking as they don't apply to the massive amounts of information we encounter online. Because information overload isn't a new problem—and maybe isn't even a problem at all—we need to find new ways of filtering in order to actually focus.

Tech Etiquette

Why Technology Is So Addictive, and How You Can Avoid Tech Burnout
Information isn't the only thing we need to filter—our behavior can often be an issue when we pull out the laptop or smartphone. The last decade has bombarded us with new devices and there aren't too many rules to suggest when we should and shouldn't use them. You'd think that texting while driving would be an obvious behavior to avoid, but it seems that a lot of us do it anyway.

If you're spending time with another person, etiquette has always dictated that you give them your attention. Nonetheless, there's still a lot of debate over whether or not it's appropriate to, say, check email over dinner. It's not okay to talk in a movie theater, but is it okay to shine your glowing screen in the eyes of other moviegoers? Is there a reasonable solution? The trend seems to be heading toward giving first priority to our devices, and this isn't just a social problem but a problem that works hand-in-hand with the dopamine triggers you develop from frequent use.

Tech etiquette isn't just important when dealing with other people around you; it's also important because it serves as a means of limiting and governing your use. We do not need to respond to every message immediately at any time during the day, but our new brand of etiquette has given us a social obligation to text or email back as soon as humanly possible. If real life gets in the way, we cover it up with our phones. Neglecting to prioritize the real over the digital is only making matters worse.

The Solutions

So what do we do about it? Overcoming a tech addiction and avoiding burnout requires work. There aren't any magic tricks that'll pave the road to freedom, but here are some ideas to get you started.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Why Technology Is So Addictive, and How You Can Avoid Tech Burnout
It might seem great to have a device that can do just about anything, but becoming reliant on a single device has its own set of problems. Consider this scenario: you take out your phone to check what time it is. You figure since your phone is already out of your pocket, you should check your email. You end up spending a few minutes debating whether or not to reply to an email now or save it for later. It can go on and on from there, making what should be a pretty quick operation (checking the time) into a series of tasks you don't necessarily need to do. It's cases like these where it's not always best to rely on a single device. It's convenient, however, and so the ideal situation would be if you could train yourself to stay on task when pulling the phone from your pocket. More realistically, however, is training yourself to just keep the phone in your pocket more often. Find other ways to check the time. Decide to check your email a little less. If it gets problematic, don't take the phone with you or turn it off when you go out at night. Technology exists to make things easier, but if you're making your life more difficult by interacting with your devices too, often it ends up being more of a problem. Figure out ways you can avoid using your technology for everything and you'll become accustomed to using it less.

Stop Multitasking

Why Technology Is So Addictive, and How You Can Avoid Tech Burnout At this point it shouldn't be a surprising that multitasking is really just a myth. While we can act like we're doing several things at once, we're really just quickly shifting our attention between different activities. Listening to music while you run or watching television while you sort your mail are the sorts of tasks you can combine without a problem, but when more technology comes into the mix we can't necessarily live by those rules.

Maybe you've tried to get through your email inbox while watching television. If you have, you've probably noticed the difficulty in concentrating on both. If the television is on for some added noise, you probably don't have too many problems. If you were hoping to watch a show you enjoy while getting some work done, you probably found yourself pausing—frequently—during your work. Fortunately the technology in our time allows us to save TV for later and interact with the majority of our entertainment whenever we want. A feeling of immediacy encourages us to think that everything has to happen right now, but that's not the case. In general you will be more productive by doing one thing at a time.

While doing anything while trying to pay attention to something else can be problematic, introducing tech can end up making matters worse because it increases the unfocused time you spend with your devices. This overlap creates a behavioral pattern of pulling out your technology whenever you feel like it. In doing so, you neglect the fragmentation it causes in your ability to focus on the one thing you really ought to be doing. Bring this into a social context and we have the tech etiquette issues previously discussed. If you want to form good habits with your technology, consider interacting with one device at a time to avoid multitasking and the poor prioritization of digital interaction over real interaction.

Never Apologize

Why Technology Is So Addictive, and How You Can Avoid Tech Burnout Maybe you've said something like this before: "Hey so and so. Sorry I didn't answer the phone/your text. I get bad reception at the gym." In that scenario, you'd have not only apologized for being unavailable during exercise but for your phone's inability to get you the message immediately. At some point we've probably all apologized for missing a call/text/email even when we've responded in a short amount of time. If this is a frequent action for you, you're a slave to immediacy. Stop apologizing and welcome the freedom of responding when you can and when you feel like it. If you create the expectation that you're not always going to respond at the precise moment of the call/email/text, people will begin to assume that you'll respond when you can. You don't want to neglect your friends, family, and coworkers by not responding for long periods of time, but you do want to let everyone know that you respond on your time. Breaking free of these social obligations will help you feel fewer obligations to constantly check for messages.

Get Organized

Why Technology Is So Addictive, and How You Can Avoid Tech Burnout
One effective way of dealing with information overload is actually organizing information. This may be an obvious one, but most of us think more about organization than actually doing it. You're going to get organized at some point, so you might as well start now (if you haven't, that is). Email is one of the toughest things to get under control and there are more solutions out there than you could ever really try. Google's new Priority Inbox is a great new way to focus on the important messages in your inbox. A Chrome and Firefox extension called Boomerang lets you schedule when you send and receive emails. Communicating through speed appropriate channels rather than funneling everything through email can help, too. You can even offload distractions to an iPad, or another device you have, so you can focus on specific things on specific devices. However you organize your information, just be sure to evolve your system to fit changes in the way your information flows.

How do you avoid tech burnout? Let us know in the comments.

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Belajar Investasi | Pensiun Kaya

Belajar Investasi | Pensiun Kaya

Alhamdulillah, Untuk Kali Pertama Paypal Menyentuh $100

Posted: 31 Aug 2010 06:05 AM PDT

BelajarInvestasi.Info – Alhamdulillah, untuk pertama kalinya akun Paypal-ku menyentuh angka 100 dollar lebih. Tepatnya siang tadi, ketika ada pembayaran yang diterima dari Blogsvertise sebesar $10, maka akhirnya Paypal-ku tembus juga angka $100. Gambar di bawah ini adalah buktinya: Mudah-mudahan dapat memberikan motivasi sekaligus afirmasi untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak dollar lagi:-) Salam

Belajar Afiliasi Bersama Chokey

Belajar Afiliasi Bersama Chokey

Bisnis Online Ala Anak SMP

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 08:59 PM PDT

Ketika kita mencari ketyword " Anak SMP", "SMP" dan segala yang berbau SMP di google,maka anda bisa kaget dengan kata-kata yang ditampilkan di halaman awalnya, begitu banyak kesan negatif terhadap anak SMP.Sudah sebegitu negatifkah citra  anak SMP sekarang ini ?. Menurutku tidak semua  anak SMP begitu. Masih banyak sisi-sis dan prestasi seorang anak SMP yang tidak terekpose di dunia maya . Salah satunya adalah yang menyangkut masalah bisnis Online.

Yah, mungkin anda pernah membuka-buka sebuah blog dengan pembahasan tentang bisnis online,jika anda mencermati tulisannya baik dari gaya penulisan maupun informasi bisnis yang disampaikan maka anda pasti tak menyangka bahwa pemiliknya adalah seorang bocah SMP ataupun anak Yang memulai bisnis onlinenya dari sejak SMP.

Disini saya akan memberi contoh para pebisnis online yang memulai kariernya dari SMP, satu dari luyar negeri dan  2 dari dalam negeri yaitu : Arief Rizky Ramadhan, Aditya Permana dan CarlOcab.

Arief Rizky Ramadhan

Buka aja blognya di :, maka anda kan kagum melihat gaya penulisan dan bisnis online yang digelutinya, anda juga pasti  kaget melihat muka innocence nya di sebuah foto bersama Pak seorang pakar penulis pada postingan dia  yang berjudul "Butir Ilmu Buka Bareng dengan Pak Jonru"

Siapa sangka anak ini dah bukan lagi  newbie di forum terkenal kaskus. Disitu dia membuka sebuak Lapak (istilah jual/beli di kaskus) dimana dia menawarkan design baju kaskus yang bekerja sama keluarganya..ntah berapa penghasilan yang dia peroleh dari bisnis ini..yang jelas uang Jajan dia sudah tak minta lagi dari ortu.

Selain itu dari kegemarannya bermain Game di sebuah warnet, dengan insting bisnisnya dia memanfaatkan hobbynya tersebut dengan berjualan voucher game dan tentu saja penghasilannya bisa mengatsi kebutuhan sekolahnya :D

Satu imnpiannya adalah dia ingin masuk ke acara Kick Andy dengan topik "Pebisnis online cilik yang sukses" semoga impian tersebut bisa terwujud…Amin.

Aditya Permana

Walaupun sekarang dia dah bukan anak SMP lagi, namun dia memulai bisnis onlinenya dari sejak SMP, bisa lihat blognya di dan toko onlinenya di maka dari situ anda akan mengetahui kualitas dia yang sudah tidak diragukan dalam dunia bisnis online.

Dia juga seorang kaskuser di forum teramai seindonesia itu, dulunya dia jualan premium membership rapidshare.Bisnis yang digelutinya dah banyaklah di dunia maya ini,misalnya jualan link,PTP dan toko online. Kepiawaiannya mengelola web dan  blog tidak diragukan lagi.

Bahkan pernah lho dia membagikan ebook gratis dengan judul bisnis online ala bocah SMP dengan mengunakan auto responder.sempat lho saya jadi subsribernya,hanya saja mungkin karena masih banyaknya tugas sekolah sehingga mengaharuskan dia mengurangi kegiatannya,namun saya yakin dia bakal jadi seorang pebisnis online yang sukses… Maju terus nak

Carl Ocab.

Saya belum banyak tahu tentang si anak ini yang jelas dia sekarang seorang Internet Marketer handal dan diperhitungkan di dunia Internasional, sudah sering mengisi seminar-seminar Interner Marketer dan memiliki banyak subscriber.

Yang anda perlu tahu adalah dia memulai bsinis onlinennya dari SMP.Silahkan anda lihat sendiri gimana prestasinya di web

Demikan sekilas info tentang anak SMP yang memiliki prestasi di dunia bisnis online, tulisan ini dalam rangka mendukung kampanye SEO Positif anak SMP. Dan demi mengubah image anak SMP dan SMP di search engine maka dukungan para blogger juga dibutuhkan,untuk itu saya mewariskan :D award ini juga kepada :

1. Arief Rizky Ramadhan

2. Aditya Permana


